Shannon Feggans

Welcome To My Port Folio

Welcome to my Port folio for edits created using Photoshop and This is a small introduction into the work i will be creating over the duration of the course

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  1. About me
  2. Edits
  3. What do i prefer Photoshop or


My name is Shannon and I am 22 years old. I have always enjoyed editing and creating new images. I am a very creative person and like to tweek things now and again to either improve them or make something of my own


This picture was created using photoshop. The picutes were taken from a website called

This was one of the first pictures i edited using

I like to experiment with different layers and stlyes of editing, weither it is horror themed or just a bit of messing about.

This picture was one of my favourites to edit. I like wolves and quotes.

DreamHeart is a character name i use for gaming and it has also became a name i use for writing

The following two pictures were made using Personally i prefer using this because its a lot simplar that using Photoshop, but i am sarting to get the hang of it